Building quality memories with your children is an important part of their overall development. Besides it being psychologically beneficial, it’s just plain fun to get your hands dirty with your favorite little partners.
If you’re a little short-handed on creative ideas, there’s no shame in a bit of research. Start now by reading through this brief list of excellent suggestions for arts and craft projects with your kids.
Plaster casting with Playdough molds
Working with plaster casting isn’t a foreign art. Many movie makers hire special effects artists to create elaborate plaster castings for the scariest of creatures. You and your children can create creatures of your own with a little bit of plaster, water, and Playdough.
Instead of seeking out original molds for your family’s plaster creations, use Playdough to retain the minute details of your child’s favorite toy. Pour the plaster right into the Playdough mold, and you won’t be disappointed with the outcome. Similarly, many parents prefer making beautiful moments by bronze casting hand sculptures of them and their babies together. That way, they can have an everlasting memory of the family.
Make 3D art sculptures with cardboard
Make use of some of those old boxes you have lying around the garage, and set up a 3D art day with your kids. Paste together interesting formations with the cardboard, and add your own touch of color to the mix.
You’ll have a great time figuring out the process with your kids, and you’ll both be left with the finished product for memories. Awaken your creative side today, and get the little ones involved.
Collage art shows expression
If you have a slew of old magazines lying around the house, put them to work during family art day. Sit the family down at the kitchen table, and let your minds delve into the possibilities. Glue random pictures, words, and symbols together to form a state of mind.
Get crafty with your collage materials, and don’t leave it at just magazine clippings. Add beans, macaroni, and other tactile improvements to your table of supplies, and craft something grand.
Painting with watercolors is never dull
Kids love bright colors, so why not let them make their own display of bright colors? Painting is always a hit with kids. It seems they marvel in the messy element of painting.
Every parent enjoys having a new picture to add to their collection of creations, so give your little ones a chance to build your library.
Outdoor art provides an active element
Go outside with the kids and create. Art doesn’t have to be restricted to the indoor settings of your home. Get the kids outside, where they can see all the beautiful contrast of color.
Try painting bouncy balls by the swimming pool or painting a cardboard playhouse. Make sure the kids understand that they’re only free to paint with your supervision, but allow them to be free in their creativity.